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Product Promise & Product Pillars

Product Promise & Product Pillars

  After building/looking at many products, working in different product organizations and being a customer (buyer or consumer) of many products I have come to belief that Product Managers must understand thei Product Promise and plan to deliver their products based on strong product pillars. Simply put, Product Promise cannot be delivered without understanding Product […]

Do you try to understand what Customers ...

Do you try to understand what Customers do not like in your product?

Do you try to understand what Customers do not like in your product? I have come across numerous product developers and managers who think Customer will always complain and have negative feedback on the product irrespective of whatever great things you do in your product. I don’t think their assessment is entirely wrong but such […]

Can Product Usability be an afterthought...

Can Product Usability be an afterthought?

My observation is that most organizations do not pay attention to the product usability while building their products. The myriad reasons, cited by misinformed product managers, product developers or management executives for not being able to address product usability during its development, are categorized under various headings below Neglector Usability is not that important as […]

How mature is your Product Management &

How mature is your Product Management & Marketing organization?

Last week I attended NASSCOM Product Conclave 2010 (, which focused on how product companies can change India’s future and how NASSCOM is trying to bring up an ecosystem, which will help existing product companies to expand their business as well entrepreneurs to start product ventures. What I must say is that this year’s Product […]